Hello, Blogosphere!

Hi! I'm Elissa and this is my blog! The idea to create a blog came from my friends. My friend and I just completed our science fair project. In it, we had human participants. 100 of them, in fact! To thank them for helping us, I decided to make thank you cookies! They were really cute! But since I didn't want/it would be a lot of baking to make 100 cookies, I made them for the student participants. That was 25 people. However, the recipe that I used only made 22. And I might have accidentally broken one, too. So there I was, with 25 people and 21 cookies. I gave the cookies that I hadn't broken to our participants and they all LOVED them! They were like "Elissa! These are soooo good!". It was really sweet (no pun intended)! So the next day I was going to make just a half recipe for the 4 people that still needed cookies, but my mom told me to just make another batch, so I did. The second batch made 25 cookies (arghhhh) and I didn't really want to eat cookies anymore so I brought them to school. In my last class of the day, I had them with me (since I was going to take them to IA) and the people in my class were like "Oh hey! Can I have a cookie?" and I was like "Ok!" and they were all like "OMG this is sooooo good!". After school, in IA, I offered them to my fellow comrades and they were like "AHHH! This is the best cookie I've ever had! I would pay you to make these!" and TADA! that's where the Lissa Bakes idea started.


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