Happy Hanukkah

Or as I like to say, Chappy Chanukkah!

My friends are just too sweet.

AndrewCat, the lovely person that they are, made me a furlough pie for Hanukkah!

What is a furlough pie, you may be wondering?

Well, there's a little back story to it...

AndrewCat's mother got furloughed during the government shutdown and with all of her free time, appartently began cooking non-stop. Or that's what I like to think, at least.

Anyway, she made furlough lasagna and furlough broccoli and furlough pie, which is really peanut butter pie with Oreo crust!

Don't you just love AndrewCat? I know I do!

And speaking of Hanukkah, happy Thanksgivukkah! We had a visit from Thanksgivulakkah, the vampire turkey who comes down from his nest every 75,000 years and brings menorah shaped pumpkin pies and jelly filled turkeys, and even sweet potato latkes in exchange for blood! He brought us some sufganiyot as a special Hanukkah treat! Thanks Thanksgivulakkah!

Stop looking at me like that! I didn't just make that up, you know. It's a true story.


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