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What I want to bake soon but probably won't get to...
I think the title pretty much sums it up. I want to bake!!! But alas, I have no time. I probably won't bake until the end of May-ish. I NEED TO BAKE!! This post has no baking in it, by the way.
No baking, but something almost as good! A LIST!!! I love love love lists! I usually make them on index cards or post-its. There are many index cards and post-its lying around my house. I should probably clean those up...
So without further ado, my list:
What I want to bake but probably won't get to until a long long time from now:
Pavlova. If you haven't noticed, I really like meringues! And all pavlova is is a big meringue, right? And it has whipped cream and good fruit like strawberries! What could be bad? Unless you're lactose intolerant and allergic to strawberries and eggs... But I'm not!
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Preserves. Like strawberry preserves. I should go strawberry picking, that would be fun! Then I could pick gazillions of strawberries and make gallons upon gallons of strawberry preserves! But then I probably wouldn't like strawberry preserves that much anymore.
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Bread. I really want to make bread! I've wanted to make bread for a really long time, like a whole year! Whoa! I know, I know. "Well if you've wanted to make bread for so long then why don't you just make it already?" is what y'all are saying. Truth is, I don't know why it's taken me so long. Probably because it seems scary. Also, I don't have yeast or other things that go in bread. But those can easily be found in the grocery store! Also, bread is great with strawberry preserves on it! Ahhhh!
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Ice cream/sherbert/sorbet. I love cold, creamy desserts! But I don't have an ice cream maker. But they did have them at Costco. But that was a while back. Oh well. Hopefully, I might just maybe get an ice cream maker then I can make ice cream/sherbert/sorbet all the time and I'll have millions of blog posts dedicated to it! And then I'll probably have no readers because you guys will all be sick of hearing my ice cream rants.
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What have I noticed from doing this post? I really like strawberries! But doesn't everyone? Except for those of us who are allergic. Couldn't they still like strawberries, just not be able to eat them, though?
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